About conference

In submitted papers we will be looking for constructive thinking which will be focused on the relationship to and the construction of the others in any level of humanistic thought.

The goal is to point out and inquire about the concept of the other or others in relationship to our own existence.

Questions like these come to mind: Who or what is the other? How does the other appear? What is the role and position of the other in the process of formation and establishing and keeping our own identity? Why having others? Why the need for being different and not diverse? What kind of interactions appear between us and others? How it feels when we become the other? Is this classification apparent in today’s social climate? Can we learn something about people and their society from the way they accept others? How are others articulated and what kind of discourse appears in connection to them? Where are the differences most apparent and why in those areas? How important is differentiation and where it leads? What is natural in differentiation, if anything at all? Is differentiation good or should it be avoided?

We are interested in the others in relationship with gender, religion, continent, country (nationality), culture (subculture and contra culture), ethnicity, sexual orientation, world view (values), family, individual, and also others; others in media, school, work place, everyday life, social difference, literature, history, etc.
Who is being addressed with the term other; society or nature, foreigner or enemy, us or them?

The conference will be held in the English language. Each participant has been allocated 20 min to present his/her paper, plus 10 min for discussion.

The best papers will be selected and published in the post-conference volume.

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